Cross-App Search Tool — Unified SaaS Search


The number of software apps deployed by large firms across all industries world-wide has increased 68% over the past four years, reaching an average of 150 apps per company by the end of 2020 while nearly 10% of businesses now have more than 200 apps in their enterprise information-technology systems.

Employees in large-scale organizations are continually struggling to find the relevant information they are looking for.

A study conducted by us shows that 52% of searches take more than 15 minutes while in 17% of cases the Valentine information is not found at all even though it is indeed indexed and stored in the services used by the employee.

Cross App Search

Save Time with Cross-App Search Tool

The basic functionality of cross-app search is searching files, data objects, contacts, emails, and pages.

Cross-App Search Tools enable employees to search in Google, O365, Monday, Jira, Github with support for more applications coming soon. Results are grouped by application, and every result comes with useful information like if the message’s sender is on your contact list.

Run Automations with Cross-App Search Tool

Advanced features of Cross-App Search enable the organization to run automations on top of their cloud eco-system like:

  1. Automated workflows like create/delete users
  2. Detects Misconfiguration like public files and sensitive information with irrelevant access
  3. Costs Saving like disable or delete inactive users



SaaS Security Posture Management
SaaS Security Posture Management

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